Sunday, June 14, 2015

Wanderlust: Finding my True North

I had been putting off this post for a week now because there is just so much to say that I don't know where to start! So here it goes...

Everything happens for a reason, really, it does. I say that all the time, but probably only believed it about 90% of the time, until last weekend happened. It's so easy to get lost in the disappointment/confusion of why something happens, that you often miss the good/lesson that is coming from the situation. In a very odd way, that is what got me to Wanderlust.

What is Wanderlust, you may ask? Wanderlust festivals are, "All-out celebrations of mindful living...Exceptional yoga and medition instructors, musicians, speakers, artists, and chefs for transformational retreats in the world's most awe-inspiring natural resorts." 

This particular weekend was in Snowshoe, West Virginia.  (Both of these pics are #nofilter) That sunset though!!!

I had no idea what to expect coming into Wanderlust. I bought tickets for myself as my Golden Birthday Gift (29 on May 29th) and decided I would go alone. I found a group of girls to stay with on the Facebook Forum page and felt as if I was set. The leader, Chasity, assured me that though I was no pro-yogi, I would surely have a blast and fit in.

A few weeks prior to the event, I was tagged in a post on the Facebook page asking for anyone who might want to carpool from Nashville. I figured it wouldn't hurt, so decided to meet Lloyd to see if we could stand being in the car with each other for 9 hours. Luckily, it worked out even though I warned the poor guy about how weird I was! Soooooo... I started to get ready for Wanderlust.

I could tell you step-by-step everything that I did at Wanderlust, but I will just let the pictures do the talking.

As for what I learned...

I learned to expect the unexpected. Expectations are such a cruel thing. I think we would all be a little better off if we could live life with no expectations of ourselves or others.

I learned that there are people out there who I can completely relate to on so many levels, even if we are from different walks of life, and that running through puddles is more fun with you have a squad to laugh with afterwards. Within that, I learned that time doesn’t always matter in a friendship. I connected with 3 amazing ladies on an eerily deep level within hours of meeting them! 

I learned that I’m pretty good and parking cars in unconventional ways.

I learned that sometimes you just need to paint your body and do some dancing!

I learned the value of teamwork and what it means to let go and trust someone completely. And guess what? I didn’t fall…well…maybe once…

I learned that I CAN do things that I never thought were possible, both physically and mentally, as long as I truly believe it’s possible. Pardon my language, but I call bull shit on anyone who says, “But I can’t…” There is ALWAYS a way, even if it’s not the way you were intending.

I learned that it’s OK to eat dessert first at dinner and the world doesn’t stop spinning! Crazy concept, right?!

I learned that you can always choose how you perceive a situation. Put on those glitter glasses when the world starts looking gloomy!

I learned that I will never be content with, “What if…” again. Ever.

Finally, I learned that it’s ok to be exactly who I am. Be it a YO-GAngta, hippie, librarian, child, gypsy, whatever, I should just be me. People that mind don’t matter, and people that matter won’t mind!

As you can tell, this was a weekend I won't soon forget. I can't wait to go back next year! I found my true North last weekend and have already brought back many of the lessons I learned, but the challenge will be sticking with it. If you ever have the opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and try something unexpected, I highly suggest you try it! You might just surprise yourself!


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Lottie Turns 1! (From April)

(My Apologies! This Post was actually from early April!)

Lottie's first birthday party was a blast! She's the daughter of one of my best friends, and such a happy baby! I mean...look at that face!!!

It's hard to believe that it has only been a year since she came into the world and that now she is walking around. I don't get to see her near as much as I would like, but there is no doubt about how much love this child gets. Her parents are amazing too! The party decor and theme was perfect! 

(My gift to the birthday girl)

Here's to many more awesome themed birthdays, sweet girl! 

#GlitterGlasses #GlitterGlassesJourney #Lottie

Sunday, March 22, 2015

City Girl Visits Small Town World

So for Spring Break this year I decided to visit Iowa for a couple days. This was my third visit to "God's Country" and it was just as wonderful as the first 2 times. The people who live in Iowa that I visit often think it's a bit strange that I find such joy and comfort in visiting their tiny town.

Well, here's one reason! 

I traded in the hustle and bustle of hundreds of people in my 5 mile radius for about 10 people in a 10 mile radius! The horizon goes on for dayssss and everything is just so open, including my mind. Throw in the fact that I get no data and only 1 place in town has wifi I can get on, it's the perfect "unplugged" vacation.  Also, I never realized how claustrophobic I felt in Nasvhille, until escaping to the Midwest.

After spending a day to myself, we helped prepare CJ Gaston  for his performance at The Riverview Country Club in Keosaqua, IA. He did a great job, even if his Nashville stories pointed out my strangeness...but let's be real, I already stuck out anyway! 

Once the show concluded, there was a bit of mass chaos (to my very plan oriented-trained mind), but I dsicovered that half the fun is just going with the flow! I ended up going into town with CJ's friends while he made the rounds at the club and thanked everyone for coming out to support his music. I had so much fun hanging out with these guys, sharing stories and just comparing how different our lives are. I loved every minute of it!

I feel very blessed to have such a great friend that will let me come visit his hometown and hang out with his friends! Iowans are all very friendly! Thank you all for making me feel so welcome! :-)

Needless to say, by the time Sunday rolled around I was not ready to go home. This trip ended way too fast. Luckily, the drive home was quite easy and peaceful. The sun chased me home.

Now back to the hustle and bustle!

#CjGastonMusic #GlitterGlasses