Sunday, March 22, 2015

City Girl Visits Small Town World

So for Spring Break this year I decided to visit Iowa for a couple days. This was my third visit to "God's Country" and it was just as wonderful as the first 2 times. The people who live in Iowa that I visit often think it's a bit strange that I find such joy and comfort in visiting their tiny town.

Well, here's one reason! 

I traded in the hustle and bustle of hundreds of people in my 5 mile radius for about 10 people in a 10 mile radius! The horizon goes on for dayssss and everything is just so open, including my mind. Throw in the fact that I get no data and only 1 place in town has wifi I can get on, it's the perfect "unplugged" vacation.  Also, I never realized how claustrophobic I felt in Nasvhille, until escaping to the Midwest.

After spending a day to myself, we helped prepare CJ Gaston  for his performance at The Riverview Country Club in Keosaqua, IA. He did a great job, even if his Nashville stories pointed out my strangeness...but let's be real, I already stuck out anyway! 

Once the show concluded, there was a bit of mass chaos (to my very plan oriented-trained mind), but I dsicovered that half the fun is just going with the flow! I ended up going into town with CJ's friends while he made the rounds at the club and thanked everyone for coming out to support his music. I had so much fun hanging out with these guys, sharing stories and just comparing how different our lives are. I loved every minute of it!

I feel very blessed to have such a great friend that will let me come visit his hometown and hang out with his friends! Iowans are all very friendly! Thank you all for making me feel so welcome! :-)

Needless to say, by the time Sunday rolled around I was not ready to go home. This trip ended way too fast. Luckily, the drive home was quite easy and peaceful. The sun chased me home.

Now back to the hustle and bustle!

#CjGastonMusic #GlitterGlasses